At Veritas Academy we create environments where “iron-sharpening” friendships grow through transparency, open and honest communication and supporting one another inside and outside community days.
We provide teacher and student practicums in the summer, Rhetoric and Logic team building events, on-going teacher training throughout the school year, and a departmental structure support system.
Special Events
To memorialize special occasions in the lives of our students, we offer Logic (junior high) and Rhetoric (high school) graduations and End-of-Year Showcases for our Grammar students. We also create theme nights around our subjects such as Faces of History, Speech Competitions, Roman Nights and Science/ History/ STEAM Fairs.
Field Trips
We facilitate field trips twice a month connected with the subject matter we are studying in History, the Arts and Science.
We offer mentors for new families and host events: Dads of Veritas and Moms Socials. We also partner with outside organizations to provide training for our parents as they equip their students for college and career.
All Community Events
Because we range from Pre-Grammar to Rhetoric, our all-community events, from Fall Festivals to Earth Days to community trips, encompass our entire families.
Rhetoric Class Trips & Formals
Annually, we create unique experiences for our Rhetoric (high school) students such as class trips and formals. From the Smoky Mountains to Chicago’s Windy City, our students have the opportunity to attend Broadway productions, hike national parks and showcase their etiquette training while dining at elegant restaurants.
Check out our 2023-24 Theater Production:
The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe!
Directed by: Shelby Black